A Calliope

Muted musings of a human adventurer

Thursday, March 30, 2006

When you have your health

The expression goes, "when you have your health, you have everything". Of course it's a generalization, but it's amazing how much a physical or psychological ailment can dominate one's daily experience. I'm sure that's the point.
Lessening this affect seems to be one of those benefits of maturity or lessons learned. Numerous writers (blogs I read) have recently had abrupt entries detailing their state of being imprisoned by temporary maladies.
Except for the run-of-the-mill stuff, health issues are also a pretty private matter. Why don't we share such important matters? Maybe they are a sign of weakness in the cultural evolution? Think injured animal in a pack. Possibly they are just too dark, we all doomed to suffering, death and decay and it's simply too painful to freely admit or allow into our everyday conversation.
I am not overly inclined to conceal these matters. To the contrary I tend to seek more truth, clarity and perhaps therefore understanding. Help!?
Today, loved ones are on medications for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, blood diseases, thyroid shortfalls, and probably a dozen other chronic problems I am not aware of. Closer to home, a little one started Adderall today for ADHD and I called for an appointment to explore a ominous throat problem. Onward.